Risks of crashes increased on long weekends
There’s nothing like a long weekend to escape the daily grind! Whether you’re getting together with friends or heading out on a family road trip, take care behind the wheel. With increased traffic on Saskatchewan roads and highways, your chance of being hurt or killed in a collision almost doubles over long weekends.

Each year in Saskatchewan, 15 people lose their lives and 535 others are hurt in collisions over long weekends (based on 5-year average from 2013-2017).
Follow these tips to help make sure everyone on the road reaches their destination safely.
Drive sober and drug free
Don’t get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking or using drugs. Remember, even some prescription medication can impact your driving ability. Plan a ride home before you go out so you know you’ll get home safely. And be a good wingman — don’t let impaired friends or family drive either.
Avoid distractions
Give the road your full attention and leave your phone alone. Put it out of reach so you’re not tempted to use it. If you must make a call or send a text, have a passenger do it for you or pull over safely to the side of the road first. Set your playlist and GPS before you head out, or find a rest stop to do that.
Don’t speed
Obey posted speed limits and remember that they apply when driving in ideal road conditions. If road conditions aren’t ideal (e.g., icy or slippery conditions, poor visibility due to rain, fog or snow, etc.), slow down. Also, watch for school zones and work zones and adjust your speed accordingly.
Buckle up
Always wear a seatbelt and make sure your passengers do too. If you’re travelling with kids, make sure they’re using the appropriate car or booster seat for their size and age.
Stay alert
Make sure you’re well-rested before hitting the road. If you have far to go, take turns driving with a passenger (as long as they have a valid licence) or take frequent rests so you can stay alert.